Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pleasant Surprise

Yesterday work was INSANE to say the least. I was no longer Ashley the Tutor in the afternoon, but Ashley the Kindergarten Recess Aide! The lady who is in charge of this crazy 2 hour period in the HOTTTT Florida sun wasn't there, so they turned to me! Every half hour two classes are on the playground and there is only one person in charge. Well, controlling two classes - including the ones allowed to play and those in time-out, those who have to pee, those who need a drink, those who are bleeding, those who are fighting or cussing or whatever the case may be is not easy. Well, add in another class because their teacher is in a meeting and you have a one over-whelmed/about to cry/going crazy Ashley the Kindergarten Recess Aide. During this time a parent had the nerve to tell me since I didn't see her child walk up to her when she walked outside - I was irresponsible and she would be going to the office about the matter. Umm HELLO!? I had at least fifty students to watch by myself.. I only have one set of eyes. Do the math, lady! (Although I understand her frustration - it wasn't safe!). On top of this experience I was wearing a black shirt and so I was sweating like a you know what... and I now have the world's ugliest tan, scratch that, burn lines on my arm! Siiigh.

Anyway, spring ahead 3 hours... I drive home and walk into to a clean house, a pantry full of groceries, a made-up bed with our new bedset, laundry complete, and these 12 beauties on the kitchen table...

Z... I have to brag on you and say that I think you're pretty amazing and you make my heart SO happy!!! Thanks baby for making my day from hell turn out to be pretty swell! Love you!


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