Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mrs. S: 4th Grade TEACHER!

At approximately 3:58pm today I got THE call. The call from my new principal offering me a permanent 4th grade position at her school!!! I was at the mall and felt like I could've cried or passed out from excitement when she asked "how would you feel about teaching 4th grade for me this year?" "Umm... Oh my gosh I would be incredibly happy and honored!" I believe those were my exact words! haha. I truly couldn't believe it, but I'm SO happy!

My mom called her (the principal) yesterday morning when she saw she had put up an opening online and let her know I was still job searching and interested in her school. She told my mom if I could make it in at 2 she'd be happy to interview me for either the temporary 1st grade or the permanent 4th. Well, I got there at 1:55... had a great interview that ended with talking about "dry counties", and was back in my car by 2:20! She let me know at the interview that she had stacks of resumes left to go through and the rest of her day and the next would be filled with interviews... but she'd call me by the end of the afternoon to let me know either way and that even if she found the one she wanted she would finish the interviews she had set up already out of respect for them. I thought the interview went well, but you just never know! There are so many more teachers out there with so much more experience than me, but I'm ready for the challenge! She told me on the phone that I will have a lot to learn and a lot to do to prepare, but the schools resources are great and I would be taken care of!!! I could get a call at any moment asking me to go process downtown and once I do that I can start attending trainings with the staff and what not!

YIIIIPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I'm a REAL teacher now!!!!! Eeeeek. Not just an intern... not just a tutor... not just a sub, but a TEACHER! Wow. I.still.can'!

Thanks mom for EVERYTHING you've done!! Your 32 years of excellent teaching have really helped me out! It's all about who you know and I couldn't be prouder to know you and be your daughter! :)


Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Got My Hair-Did!

I actually got it did twice... The first time I used a Living Social deal (umm I think anyone and everyone should have THE deal sent to you daily... as well as Groupon - look them up at OR and hope they have deals at a city near you! They send out food, hair, nail, massage, bike tune ups, ANYTHING you can think of deals that you buy at a major discount. For example, my hair one was 50$ for a cut/partial highlight OR a cut/one process color - normally 125$. I loved this deal, spent 50$, and printed out a coupon for 125$! Another time I spent 10$ for a 20$ gift certificate to a new local burger joint... sometimes you just get lucky and win big!) Okay - I'm done advertising and should've made that a whole different blog, but I got on a huge tangent! - back to my hair blog! lol.

Okay, so I went and got my cut/partial highlight at the nice salon in Tampa, but I left feeling like the highlights were just too dark! That was because I had dyed my hair SO dark before that the bottoms were turning orange so she had to put toner on them and it just really darkened the top back up... Bummer! So I went to GA and Z really thought they should be lighter too so he made me an appointment with his cousin who does hair (for super cheap!) lol! She really lightened up the top for me and I love it! In some of the pictures it's hard to tell, but it's no longer DARRRK dark and will probably get even lighter once I'm in the sun all weekend! She told me no more dying it dark if I ever think I will go light again. And my mom agrees - no more dark!! lol. We will see about that! :)

Getting ready for Z's dinner!
Ash & Britt!
Kelly and I!


Monday, July 26, 2010

Zach's Bday Celebrations!

I think Zach really enjoyed his birthday! He got a lot of loot from family and friends! 170$ in cash, 25$ to Chili's, 25$ to Outback, 30$ Best Buy, a pair of USF basketball shorts, 3 polos, and he ordered the brand new Droid X cellphone! That phone is pretty amazing and I'm pretty jealous... lol. He started his actual birthday out at lunch with his friend Sean at a local Mexican restaurant... then he went and got an hour massage!, then he hung-out around the house until it was time for dinner at Kobe's! Dinner was AMAZING! So good/fun for everyone! After dinner we came home and ate banana cupcakes with a whipped peanut butter buttercream icing and chocolate drizzle made by Angela with a little help from me (does licking the batter count as helping?) Sean and his girlfriend Erika joined us in eating them and they were so yummy!

The next day we went to Moe's for his free birthday burrito lunch and then saw Inception (SOOOO good)! That night we cooked dinner at Sean's house and went swimming in the dark! I taught everyone how to play "Toothpick" which involves just a toothpick and people standing around the pool and diving in after it. It was a lot of fun and we played for a long time!
His birthday weekend ended at my parent's house with his favorite meal cooked by my dad. Zach has named the dish "Cheesy McCheeserson Pasta" (spelling might be off, but I think that's close enough!) lol. My dad made this recipe up.. it had 6+ cheeses in the sauce and it's pretty much to die for! My parents, both of my brothers and their sig others, and the dogs were all there to eat together and we ended our day again taking a night swim at Sean's house (and playing more toothpick)!
Yummy Cupcakes!!
Cards galore!
The WHOLE gang at dinner!
Blowing out the cupcake they brought him!
Flash didn't work.. but SURPRISE!
They are singing to you and beating a big gong for you! hehe.
Hope your 26th was amazing Zachary!
I love you!


Sunday, July 25, 2010

I CAN'T Stop Thinking About...

LONGBOAT KEY!!!! Almost every summer since I was a baby my family would vacation on the beautiful island LBK. I wasn't able to go the last two years because I was in Oklahoma... and I didn't go in 2006 because of my wedding. Other than that we have had a chance to make it down there for a couple of days, a week, or 2 weeks! The condos we stay at we've been going to for as long as I can remember and I just LOVE it! This will be Zach's FIRST trip to LBK and I'm so excited for him to finally experience my family's summer tradition after 7 years together! My parents will be staying for two weeks, but we'll just be there Fri-Mon/Tuesday... we haven't really decided! I can't wait for sun, sand, beautiful water, margaritas, and sunsets! :)

This was in 2007 when I went and Z was in Cuba :(
A shot from the pool deck...
After the sunset with my mom!
Laying out!
The tiki hut/pool deck/condos/gulf in one!


CM Photos - Edit!

This is what happens when Z is out running errands or sleeping and I'm up with nothing to do! lol. The first one seems to be every one's favorite and I just added more exposure (is that the right terminology?) and added a border. I like the sharpness! The second picture was Z's favorite, but I thought the original was too dark so I like it better lightened up a little bit! ... and the last one I was just being lame/silly! What better place to show my editing skills (or lack thereof) than on my blog? lol. :)

Tree Huggers! ;)
Under the Cabin!
Kiss me in the Rain!
(With a PINK Victoria's Secret umbrella!) hehe.


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Camp Meeting Photos

The day I flew into Georgia was the day Zach's mom had scheduled family pictures at a local park. The weather, just a few hours before our scheduled time, was super stormy and we got news that they would have to be cancelled, but much to our surprise it cleared up, cooled off, and ended up being a great day! We had so much fun taking pictures around the park with great backgrounds/scenery!
Thanks again Deb for taking the time to get this all worked out - very much appreciated!!!

Z and A!

Zach's Fam!

The WHOLE gang!!


Friday, July 23, 2010

Birthday Shout-Out!!

Today is this boy's 26th birthday!!!!
Zach as Captain Zach!
Zach as Zach My Personal Driver! :)

Tonight we will be celebrating with family and a few friends at Kobe's Japanese Steakhouse! :) Looking forward to giving Zach his presents and sweets soon!
Hope your birthday is the best baby!
I love you my husband!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Adventure Island

About a month ago my good friend Brittany and I decided we would buy summer passes to our local water park, Adventure Island. As kids we would spend a lot of our summers there riding the rides and getting tan! The first two times we went this summer we drove ourselves and had to get a locker... totaling 24$ each time (12$ for parking... 12$ for a locker!) and that was just too much for us so we decided we would get dropped off! Last time we felt like young teens again waiting for our parents to pick us up at the curb. Such fun memories, but it was humorous thinking we're 24 and having to get picked up! :) Zach has just enough time to take us before he has to go to class and we get there right when the park opens.. and my mom is done with summer school at 12:30 so we spend about 4 hours and have so much fun riding the rides, laying out, and just enjoying the sun!

Adventure Island Map

Since she's a nurse she usually has a day off during the week so we go once a week and it's amazing! Great fun!! Can't wait for tomorrow! Adventure Island... where the tropical wildlife is YOU!


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Camp Meeting 2010

Every summer in July Zach's family gets together for a family reunion in Georgia. This was the first time I've been able to attend since 2007 and it was a great time, as usual! My first time was in 2003 and it was quite the experience going into it not knowing anything about it! Numerous families stay in what they call tents - I think they are more like cabins - and each morning/night a church service is held in the tabernacle located in the middle of the surrounding "tents". During the day most stick around the cabin and play cards, eat, swing, take naps, etc. It's usually extremely hot, but it's a great tradition and way to spend time with his family! :)

We got pro pics taken.. this is on the way there!
Zach's fam's tent!
His cousin was baptized one night!
Until next year!!


Rebeca & Yunior

Last Saturday I attended a high school friend's wedding and had such a great time! I am so happy for her and her new hubby - they are so cute together! Rebeca graduated from UF and while I was at FSU for my freshman/sophomore year Britt (the bridesmaid I'm in the pics with) and I would take multiple trips down to Gainesville and stay with her ... and she would come up to visit us! Lots of fun college memories with her - even if she is a gator! (booo) hehe! :)
Her UF roomies, Britt, and me!
(Her reception is where my rehearsal dinner was held)!

Yummy cake!

Got a photo with the BEAUTIFUL bride!

Quick shot before introductions!

Being silly on the dance floor!

The next morning I had to be up at 4 to catch a flight to ATL, but the sleepyness was definitely worth it! Congrats to the newlyweds!!!


Friday, July 16, 2010

You Know You're Getting Old When...

buying this here silly appliance actually gets you excited:

Can't wait for all the fun I will have steam cleaning my carpets... LOL.



So I have to admit... I'm a dork! A dork that has always loved game shows.. whether it was playing on the computer/Super Nintendo, watching GSN, or even just playing board games - I just love games! Well, on Facebook you now have the opportunity to play Family Feud and I've been playing off and on for the past week or so. Well, a couple of days ago I got a question about what might turn on/turn off a girl depending on the person. I had the perfect answer and it was right up there at the top:

What makes this so funny is that I have a pretty hairy hubby. Zach has lots of back hair, chest hair, etc, but I also have a pretty hairy dad so hair is a normal guy thing to me... Hairless guys seem girly to me honestly. I mean hair doesn't turn me on by any means - I'm not like gaga for hair, but it definitely doesn't turn me off - it's just the norm!! However, Z's family is deathly afraid of his hair... and I now see that it's normal for this to go either way because it was the number one answer on Family Feud! ... We WON'T get into his two tattoos though. *cough, cough* And thank you Z for taking out that earring a few years ago!!! :)

Birthday Shout-Out!!

My little brother is growing up so fast! Today is DOUG's 19th BIRTHDAY!!!!!! I can't believe it... lol. Last night his girlfriend was throwing him a surprise party so I hope they had fun! :) Tonight the family is going out to dinner to celebrate since he was able to get off work!

Nate Dooooog
Homecoming 2009
Being silly and helping Justin with grilling in the rain!

Hope it's a good one Nate Doog!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Rays Game - Version 3

A couple of weeks ago Z, Scott, and I went to anothe Rays game... this time against the Boston Red Sox! We WON, of course, and had a good time hanging out!
The crowd!
Cheeeeesing it!

Our view! Last row of the lower section.
Not the best picture of us... but I guess not the worst either! Lol.
I hope our kids get his eyes!!!!!!
LOVE them baby blues.


Puppy Chow ... Not Just For Pups!

The first time I tried this amazing treat was in 1st grade after my teacher read us a Clifford the Big Red Dog book. I was in love then... and my love for this yummy goodness has only grown over the years! It's high in calories, but higher in taste! If you haven't tried it - you should!! Last night I made puppy chow for Zach, his little brother, and Sean (and me, of course)! It was a HIT! It has chex cereal, chocolate, peanut butter, butter, and then powdered sugar! Mmmm!!
Melting the ingredients...

Shaking the sugar onto the cereal!


Birthday Shout-Out!!

I just wanted to take a second to wish my most favorite Mother-in-Law a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :) I hope you have a wonderful day and I look forward to seeing you in GA on Sunday!

Breaking it down together in '07! :)

Zach and his favorite mom! ;)
