Friday, June 11, 2010

The Joys of Being a "Mom"!

So this morning I got a nice 6am wake up from one of the dogs whining in the crate... I realized they hadn't been potty in awhile so I got up to take them for a short walk. I was back in bed by 6:20 when it happened. One of them, Zach swears it was Lacey, stood behind me with their face next to mine, made a noise, and threw up on me. Chunky orange dog puke on my head/face. I started to gag and yell. Zach was no help at all and I ended up having to take a shower. It was awful. Everyone I've told so far has laughed at me for some reason! There is nothing funny about that.

Thanks dogter!


1 comment:

  1. Oh who hasn't been there with their dogs or kids at one time or another. I feel your pain but am laughing my backside off at the same time!! :)
