Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Classroom: Before

Yesterday Z and I went to visit my classroom for the very first time! Stuff was everywhere... desks, textbooks, computers, etc. We tried to put my things in the general area that I will need them to be in the future, but it was so overwhelming! I don't really know where to start, but after today with a good friend of mine and her help - I think getting situated will go smoothly later this week/all next week! The building that I'm in was built in 1926! The school is sooo old, but historical! lol. Anyway, here are my "before" shots... The after will be available in 2 weeks!! Wish me luck on my creative journey!

I don't have cabinet space, but I have a closet in the front...
Zach sitting under a shelf that has 20 hooks under it...
Back of class... my desk is far right. So small!
Lots of bulletin board space here though!

Windows that face out towards the front of the school...

All of my text books/guided reading books/manipulatives are sitting in piles still...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, looking back at these pics.... we really have accomplished ALOT!
