Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mrs. S: 4th Grade TEACHER!

At approximately 3:58pm today I got THE call. The call from my new principal offering me a permanent 4th grade position at her school!!! I was at the mall and felt like I could've cried or passed out from excitement when she asked "how would you feel about teaching 4th grade for me this year?" "Umm... Oh my gosh I would be incredibly happy and honored!" I believe those were my exact words! haha. I truly couldn't believe it, but I'm SO happy!

My mom called her (the principal) yesterday morning when she saw she had put up an opening online and let her know I was still job searching and interested in her school. She told my mom if I could make it in at 2 she'd be happy to interview me for either the temporary 1st grade or the permanent 4th. Well, I got there at 1:55... had a great interview that ended with talking about "dry counties", and was back in my car by 2:20! She let me know at the interview that she had stacks of resumes left to go through and the rest of her day and the next would be filled with interviews... but she'd call me by the end of the afternoon to let me know either way and that even if she found the one she wanted she would finish the interviews she had set up already out of respect for them. I thought the interview went well, but you just never know! There are so many more teachers out there with so much more experience than me, but I'm ready for the challenge! She told me on the phone that I will have a lot to learn and a lot to do to prepare, but the schools resources are great and I would be taken care of!!! I could get a call at any moment asking me to go process downtown and once I do that I can start attending trainings with the staff and what not!

YIIIIPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I'm a REAL teacher now!!!!! Eeeeek. Not just an intern... not just a tutor... not just a sub, but a TEACHER! Wow. I.still.can'!

Thanks mom for EVERYTHING you've done!! Your 32 years of excellent teaching have really helped me out! It's all about who you know and I couldn't be prouder to know you and be your daughter! :)


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