Thursday, September 3, 2009


It feels so nice to be able to sit down and relax and not hear or see children! haha. It's only my fifth day in the classroom, but today was just insane. My teacher was asked by a first grade teacher yesterday if I could watch her class while she went to a dr. appt today. It's against my university's rules for me to "sub", or watch another class, so she said she'd do it and I could stay and teach the third graders! Wowwwww. Lets just say CHAOS! I feel like I failed miserably those two hours she was gone. The lunch lady made them walk outside the lunchroom and come back in again because they were chatting in line, and then later they had library time and the librarians couldn't believe how chatty they were either! It made me feel a little better that they couldn't control them either (there was the actual librarian and her assistant talking about library procedures to them).

Today we read a book called "Cook-a-doodle-doo" where the characters bake a strawberry shortcake, so we did too... We had put all of the ingredients together right before my teacher left to go watch the other class and I think the excitement of it baking and getting to eat it later in the day really got them excited. Or maybe it was because there was a new moon? Or the fact that the weather was changing... it's starting to rain as I type. (last semester the teacher I observed mentioned the changing of weather brings about crazy kids). Or maybe I should just blame it on having ZERO control! They just wouldn't listen or shut up! lol.

At the end of the day, after the teacher had been back for awhile, they were given time out/heads down the last 15 minutes because they were still "acting a fool" as she calls it. She sent a note home today saying she was disappointed in their behavior ALL day and that their parents needed to talk with them about it. Here's hoping! I guess I have to put my mean pants on from now on. These kids don't seem to care about "changing their color" or anything for the matter... Pray for me!!!!! ... but for now I think I hear a glass of White Zin. calling my name! :)

P.S. Jaws went home today. The tank was way too small for him and she was darting back and forth like a psycho. The mom of the Jaws brought in a new, small goldfish we're thinking of naming Junior! There we go again being SO creative!



  1. I got complete anxiety reading this. It reminded me of the days WE had no control of our kids! AUgh! clap clap clapclapclap! BLAH! I dont miss those parts! but I do miss you!

  2. Find a kid, any kid, and make a stinging example of him/her in front of all the the rest of the kids never "act a fool". Works every time.
