Friday, October 23, 2009

Annual Pumpkin Carving!

It took me giving Z a 10 minute back massage and a 2 minute per hand AND foot massage deal just for him to take me to get a pumpkin! We stopped at a few little "patches", but it seems as though we were a little late trying to find one.. Only the ugliest of the ugly were left! We then headed to Wally World, our second home. They were on sale for 3.88 no matter what the size and he decided he wanted to get one too... and make it a competition! I had to gut both of ours though because the insides scare him - and he says he's a tough guy - pshhh! lol. Anyway, we bought one of those cool pumpking carving tool kits that comes with pictures you can trace. I decided to use a paper, and he did it free hand. Mine is a ghost with BOO on the inside and his is the Tampa Bay Lightning logo.

I think I won (because I cheated!) ... What do you think?

Here are the pics (mostly of me, of course) from my laptop cam!

My pumpkin... pre-gut!
I got fancy with cutting my top off!
All of my guts... I took these while Z was out and about. Lol.
My finished product!
Zach's finished product!!

I spent the first half of my day, with Z, at the police department. In order to get my teacher's license I needed to get my finger prints taken... so I can now check that off!! Wooo. One step closer! :) Z goes back to work tomorrow... his last two days in the jail! YAY!!!!

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