Saturday, October 3, 2009

Oh no! Who fell?

... were Zach's words when I told him I wanted to "blog about the fall". He thinks he is SO funny! (okay, I totally chuckled when he said it!) lol. Anyway, this week we've had some super nice weather! Waking up and going to work with it in the 50's and then only reaching low 70's by the end of the day (and without any humidity it feels like 65 in Tampa) is SO nice! I was cooking the other night and the kitchen gets pretty warm when the oven and stove are both on so I opened up some windows. The breeze coming through surely helped and felt amazing! The dogs love to just layout in the sun or run around like crazy when the weather is like that. It doesn't just feel like fall but it smells, tastes (pumpkin spice latte anyone!?!), and will hopefully start looking like it outside with some orange, red, and yellow leaves pretty soon! This will be my last REAL official fall for awhile... since there are only two seasons in FL: hot and hotter... so I'm going to try to be out and enjoy it! Since OK actually has a fall we have FALL BREAK! from Oct. 15-16, then it's the weekend. Who doesn't like 4 day weekends?! Unfortunately Z works all four of those days, or I'd make him take the dogs and I out for a hike or something. Oh well.

They were running around and playing and enjoying the weather so much!
LOVE the way this makes my house smell!
Okay, peanut butter cookies don't really scream FALL, but the Reese's Pieces on top surely helped!

Just enough breeze to cool down the hot house (and I had the door open)!
I can officially say HAPPY FALL (just stay on both of your feet)! and I hope everyone has a great one! :)


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