Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fall Cleaning!

This is me today...

So the past two weeks I've been so busy that I haven't done much to the house as far as cleaning and picking up after myself goes! A shirt (or 30) laying there... a pair of jeans (or 3) draped over the couch... a few tons of pairs of shoes in the kitchen for some odd reason... towels hanging over doors... it was just crazy and more than embarrassing! Thank goodness for Z or it would be an absolute DISASTER! lol. He does a good job on his days off trying to clean up after me, but I'm just not the neatest person in the world!! I make sure to try and keep the kitchen clean daily as far as crumbs and dishes go because that grosses me out, but as far as the clothes and random crap around the house not getting picked up.. I'm guilty of letting it stay where it's at when I walk by it. Sorry Zach, I'm not going to lie, I'm a bad house wife! Eeek.

Anyway, I decided to spend my first day of fall break doing a thorough "Fall Cleaning"... it's pretty much like Spring Cleaning, but obviously in the fall! haha. I still have to tackle the laundry. It makes my head hurt just thinking about it! I have three baskets of cleans clothes that need FOLDING and putting away. A few loads to get through the wash.... I just really hate laundry. Probably my least favorite chore ever, but by 6:45 tonight when Z walks in the door my goal is to have it done! (don't hate me if it's not, Z, because I'm sure you'll read this right when it gets emailed to your phone) lol.

... and I still need to go to Wal-mart sometime today because we just ran out of dog food (and unfortunately it's the 15th... and that means payday so everyone and their mother will be there - ugh!)

Okay... I'm done procrastinating back to my messy house I go!


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