Sunday, August 30, 2009

And they're off! (cont!)

Zach seems to have quite a short attention span *or zero patience* so I will post the pictures! lol. Last night was a lot of fun and quite the hillbilly experience! There are so many things out here in OK to do that I'd never think of doing in FL... although I'm sure we have them there! The weather today was AMAZING! Zach and I went outside and threw the baseball around and even opened up some windows. It truly felt like fall and I could've stayed out there all day. I hope it doesn't go back to 105 tomorrow, but I'm sure it will.

I go back to third grade tomorrow for whole six weeks. It's going to be like a full time job, but without the pay, of course! At least I already have a day off to look forward to.. thanks Labor Day! Well, the pics are loaded so I'm done rambling

I couldn't get a good shot - they were going too fast!

I have no idea why this turned back after I changed it! Oh well!

This is VanderMolen's favorite type of car that raced. A sprint car!
... and he's only 19 so forget Z's stupid comment!

After 4 tries I finally got a smile out of him! :)
We are grilling out tonight so that is exciting! MMMM! Have a good week everyone! :)


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